Submitted by jurgen on
Sustainable transformation is very much a Human-Centric question, and as such it’s about bringing people with you in this journey. The ‘Where to Play’ question is really about finding the sweet spot between doing the right thing and realising commercial success. And to do that it is important to understand human truths around sustainability.
So if you haven’t already, you need to know which of the Sustainable Development Goals are important to consumers, in your category, and which fit authentically into your brand narrative.But despite the engagement and desire to change habits and behaviours, consumers can find this change challenging. This is what we mean by the Value-Action Gap - when people’s values don’t translate into actual behaviour. So once you’ve identified the territory your brand should hero in, understanding how to drive positive behaviour is the next key to success.
Communication is a critical component in creating impact and driving positive behaviour. In the Webcast we will discuss where to start from and how to navigate to communicate with impact.