How can marketers use AI to ensure that all brand assets deliver a consistent message across touch points and build competitive advantage?
NeedScope has helped drive brand growth in more than 15,000 studies across 115 markets.
Understand the functional, identity and emotional needs in your market and how best to access them, using Kantar's validated psychological framework and AI capability. Analyse a brand’s imagery and video to understand the degree to which they are in alignment with the brand’s targeted emotive positioning across touchpoints.
With a focus on emotion, NeedScope provides the direction you need to differentiate your brand positioning and deliver a consistent experience across touchpoints. Its validated psychology-based framework and unique tools, including the NeedScope AI video and music decoder, help you build meaningfully different brands that drive strategic and competitive advantage.
Key features
- Unique, projective approach Understand the functional, identity and emotional needs in your market and how best to access them.
- Building irresistible brands Stand out and drive competitive advantage by evaluating your brand and the competition on four proven principles of meaningful difference through emotion.
- Aligning on emotion Align all brand assets and touchpoints on emotion using NeedScope AI image, video and music decoder tools.
- A world-class solution NeedScope has helped build meaningfully different brands and drive brand growth in more than 15,000 studies across 115 markets.