Our unique portfolio of tools helps us uncover insights that inform your decision-making. Supported by our experts’ knowledge of your business, we tailor solutions to help you drive growth.

A new approach to brand tracking: our brand guidance systems provide clear direction for your brand, from strategic planning right through to continuous monitoring and optimisation.

Concept eValulate uses growth potential (incrementality) as the key criteria for concept screening, focusing your investment on ideas with the best topline growth. Its diagnostics then help to improve these winning ideas.

Connect provides a 360-degree view of brand performance across all touchpoints. It helps you optimise return on media spend by identifying the touchpoints that have the most impact

ConversionModel provides detailed insights into category dynamics and spending patterns, pinpointing opportunities to attract new consumers, build brand desire and market presence.

Improve innovation success by more than six times industry norms with Matrix, our systematic approach to identifying and prioritising incremental opportunities at the very start of the innovation journey.

NeedScope helps you develop and optimise your brand positioning and manage the drivers of irresistibility across the touchpoints and moments that matter.

relationshipTRI*M helps you create stronger customer loyalty by unlocking the unique code that lies at the heart of every successful customer relationship.

ValueManager uses our proprietary choice modelling software to reveal the product features that matter most, and helps you align your pricing strategy with consumers’ value perceptions.