Are you missing part of the story? Every day millions of customers share their experiences of products and services via social media, and the volume of conversations is ever increasing.

Social TRI*M webinar

Customer insight is everywhere. But what does it mean?

Customer posts, tweets, comments or instagrams are sometimes favourable, sometimes critical, and sometimes hard to decipher. But together they form a rich and largely untapped source of customer feedback.

Analysing this constant stream of social media conversations provides ongoing insight into what customers are thinking and doing.

At Kantar we can help you make sense of the conversations your customers are having on social media, and marry this with survey data to help you make the decisions that will build profitable customer relationships. 

Download the recording

Download the recording of our webcast to find out how we can help you make sense of customer insight from social media.

socialTRI*M is part of our Customer Complete portfolio