Harnessing hope and optimism: life at the base of the pyramid Part 4 – key learnings

As spending power increases followed by an emerging consumer class, Kim MacIlwaine summarises the key elements businesses need to consider to be successful with these new consumers.

Harnessing hope and optimism: life at the base of the pyramid Part 3 – an Indian story

Logic suggests that brands have a limited role to play at the Base of the Pyramid. But try telling that to the people who live there. Poonam Kumar tells the story of Priyanka, a young girl from a village near Lucknow who needs all the support she can get as she embarks on adulthood.

Harnessing hope and optimism: life at the base of the pyramid Part 2 – an African tale

Different needs and opportunitites lead to innovative approaches to making a living and achieveing social mobility at the base of the pyramid. Bob Burgoyne tells the story of Mary who lives in Korogocho, Nairobi and for whom BoP means, ‘believer in providence’, or ‘banking on Peter’.

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