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Winning the second wave: the key to online video success What pushes an online video campaign past the tipping point? What separates those with genuine momentum, sustained influence and real return on investment from those that generate a brief...
July 2016 | DigitalRelated articles thumbnail
What do effective social media campaigns look like? Marketers tend to answer this question by adding up numbers. They keep score of views, likes and shares, of the number of feeds that their activity appears in and the number of actions that it...
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In a rapidly changing digital landscape, marketers must re-think the roles that their brands play in consumers' lives – and how they bring those roles to life across platforms and touchpoints. To be effective, they need a means of targeting...
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Extensive research from TNS proves that social media and search data can accurately predict the results of brand tracker surveys months in advance. The implications for market research are enormous. In this feature we explain the techniques between...
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The nuances of today’s digital lives demand a new form of segmentation. In this feature, you’ll meet the four personas of connected consumers that can guide multi-channel strategies in a fragmenting media landscape, and explore how the dimensions...
December 2014 | Digital , Connected Life , Technology enabled researchRelated articles thumbnail
Online sales growth routinely outstrips any other kind – yet less than half of all online research translates into purchase. Connected Life reveals the barriers that keep shoppers in different cultures browsing rather than buying, and the advantage...
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Predicting, managing and profiting from new technologies is one of the most important challenges that business leaders face. It requires them to integrate a hugely diverse range of perspectives in a meaningful way: they must balance the insights of...
May 2014 | Digital , Innovation & Product Development , Technology , New products and services